Frequently asked questions

How long will it take to ship my order?

Most items listed are completely dry and ready to ship within 1- 2 business days or the nearest Monday. If you order on Sunday it is very likely your item will be shipped the next day. The few exceptions are items listed as MADE TO ORDER or SPECIALS. Please add an additional 5 days for these items.

Most shipments are sent with USPS priority mail. If there is a note about shipping on the items listing page please use that info to determine shipping time. Free shipping within the USA.

How will my order be packed?

Most artwork will be shipped in protected high density foam. Nothing comes in contact with the front of the piece. There is considerable cost associated with this packing style and that cost is included in the price.

SALE ITEMS are packed using special paper that can be in contact with the item without sticking to the paint. This helps with the time and cost associated with shipping and allows for larger discounts. All sale items have the following disclaimer: Packed and shipped economically, some petals may slightly flatten with shipping, this will not diminish the overall look.

If your order is damaged in shipping please contact me as soon as possible. We will work together to find a solution.

do you accept returns?

No, and here’s why: I really want you to love these handmade items. If there is a true complaint please reach out to me and I will try my hardest to find a solution that works for the both of us, this is not a guarantee but an offer to be as gracious as possible to resolving disputes. That being said, as a term and condition I do not accept returns.

I give as much information as possible when I list an item for sale. I take photos in multiple light settings so you can make a well informed purchase. Photos are taken when artwork is dry, after the shrinking stage that is common with thick paint. These works take a lot of time and effort to create, then there are shipping fees, website fee, credit card processing fee, and I could go on. Please purchase carefully because sales are final.

Terms of Use

These terms of use apply to the website and govern your use of our website. By using our website, you agree to the terms and conditions of these terms of use.

Ownership of Content

All content on our website, including artwork, text, graphics, photographs, and videos, is owned or licensed by us and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. You may not use or reproduce any content from our website without our prior written consent. You may not share or distribute any information within subscriptions, parts of portions of classes, tutorials, or downloaded supply list. Class and tutorials are for personal use only. Limitation of Liability

We are not liable for any damages arising from your use of our website, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, and consequential damages. Our liability to you for any claim arising from your use of our website shall not exceed the amount that you paid to us, if any.


You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims, damages, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising from your use of our website or your violation of these terms of use.